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Explore all the features our spring element has to offer: from vibration isolation efficiency, load capacities to fire protection options and the flexibility
Shaping Tomorrow’s Structures Today with Isolation, Vibration Control and Seismic Protection Our workshop speaker are carefully chosen experts, each at the forefront of
The Gösgen Nuclear Power Plant in Switzerland provides a good example of long-term use of elastic support and damping systems for various key
Floating Slab Track System with GERB GSI elements to reduce ground-borne vibrations and noise caused by rail traffic. GERB vibration isolation solutions in
To make the acoustic performance an extraordinary experience again, GERB designed and integrated a Floating Slab Track system for Basel Tram.When the music
Since 1999, GERB spring elements have been ensuring an enjoyable cinema experience without disturbing noises from the outside. With a weight of
A vibration-isolated mixed-use complex in the immediate vicinity of Aachen Central Station, Germany. Spread over five buildings and almost 25,000 m², people
To protect the ArtHouse residential building from rail traffic, GERB designed an elastic support solution. The ArtHouse at Kings Cross is located directly
Elastic support of JPL power plant turbine in Seoni, India. The site is located near village Barela -Gorakhpur, Tehsil Ghansore of Seoni District.
Upgrade of Elastomeric Bearings to GERB Spring Elements Residential buildings are way more sesnitive in case of vibrations because of the individual lifestyle
One of the world‘s longest driverless rapid transit lines with GERB spring elements in Singapore From Woodlands north to Sungei Bedok, Thomson-East CoastLine
A GERB foi abordada por uma empresa petroquímica da região do Oriente Médio para ajudar a mitigar os problemas de vibração de uma
Fornecimento de elasticidade nas zonas de transição de rigidez entre a ponte de concreto e a laje de aproximação com via em lastro
Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) Damping System Guidelines Thyssen Krupp Test Tower, Rottweil/Alemanha Dados do Projeto Ano de Conclusão:2016 (colocação
As infraestruturas críticas, tais como hospitais, devem ser protegidas contra terremotos Slobozia, Romênia – 120 km a leste de Bucareste é a capital
Proteger o ambiente de ensino e equipamentos experimentais contra vibrações e ruído de estrutural A extensão da Universidade de Pequim foi concluída no
O primeiro projeto da GERB de um edifício sobre elementos de mola na Índia está atualmente a ser implementado na cidade de Mumbai,
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Explore all the features our spring element has to offer: from vibration isolation efficiency, load capacities to fire protection options and the flexibility
Shaping Tomorrow’s Structures Today with Isolation, Vibration Control and Seismic Protection Our workshop speaker are carefully chosen experts, each at the forefront of
The Gösgen Nuclear Power Plant in Switzerland provides a good example of long-term use of elastic support and damping systems for various key
Floating Slab Track System with GERB GSI elements to reduce ground-borne vibrations and noise caused by rail traffic. GERB vibration isolation solutions in
To make the acoustic performance an extraordinary experience again, GERB designed and integrated a Floating Slab Track system for Basel Tram.When the music
Since 1999, GERB spring elements have been ensuring an enjoyable cinema experience without disturbing noises from the outside. With a weight of
A vibration-isolated mixed-use complex in the immediate vicinity of Aachen Central Station, Germany. Spread over five buildings and almost 25,000 m², people
To protect the ArtHouse residential building from rail traffic, GERB designed an elastic support solution. The ArtHouse at Kings Cross is located directly
Elastic support of JPL power plant turbine in Seoni, India. The site is located near village Barela -Gorakhpur, Tehsil Ghansore of Seoni District.
Upgrade of Elastomeric Bearings to GERB Spring Elements Residential buildings are way more sesnitive in case of vibrations because of the individual lifestyle
One of the world‘s longest driverless rapid transit lines with GERB spring elements in Singapore From Woodlands north to Sungei Bedok, Thomson-East CoastLine
A GERB foi abordada por uma empresa petroquímica da região do Oriente Médio para ajudar a mitigar os problemas de vibração de uma
Fornecimento de elasticidade nas zonas de transição de rigidez entre a ponte de concreto e a laje de aproximação com via em lastro
Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) Damping System Guidelines Thyssen Krupp Test Tower, Rottweil/Alemanha Dados do Projeto Ano de Conclusão:2016 (colocação
As infraestruturas críticas, tais como hospitais, devem ser protegidas contra terremotos Slobozia, Romênia – 120 km a leste de Bucareste é a capital
Proteger o ambiente de ensino e equipamentos experimentais contra vibrações e ruído de estrutural A extensão da Universidade de Pequim foi concluída no
O primeiro projeto da GERB de um edifício sobre elementos de mola na Índia está atualmente a ser implementado na cidade de Mumbai,
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